All in Practical Christianity

Saved by Knowledge?

When Jesus established His church, there was no such thing as Baptists, Holiness, Catholic, etc. There was just “THE” church. Many hold that their denomination is the true church, claiming that their lineage can be traced all the way back to the apostles…

Bear Ye One Another's Burdens...

Perhaps you’ve seen this picture floating around the internet. The first time I saw it, it was accompanied by the words “If you ever feel useless just remember that someone is a lifeguard at the Olympic swimming event.” The lifeguard’s expression really says it all though. I can certainly sympathize with her.

Condition, Not Position

As I lay in our yard I hoped silently that my neighbors (who just so happened to be my aunt and uncle) didn’t peer out of their window and see me. If they did they would certainly be concerned and call my mom, then I would have some serious explaining to do. But surely I wasn’t the only 17 year old to sneak out at night was I?